There are basic concepts in woodworking that you just sort of pick up along your journey as a woodworker. Fundamentals that no one really talks about because they’re just so ingrained that they’ve become second nature. Well, today I’m sharing 15 woodworking basics that I think every woodworker should know.
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To be alone forever. Some people’s greatest fear. A table for one at a fancy restaurant, falling asleep in a cold bed, a quiet,-empty house. With no one to share your wins and losses with. No one to witness your happiest moments or comfort you in your most difficult ones.
It’s that sinking feeling in your chest. Imagining that you’re unlovable and undesirable and fearing you might remain that way forever.
But what if we could change our thinking about being single and focus more on the positive aspects of it?
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Movies, novels, love songs, and even scientific research all seem to tell us the same stories: Everyone wants to find that special someone. Once you get married, you will live happily ever after and you will never be lonely again. However, more people than ever before are living single – often by choice. A close look at the best scientific studies shows that people who get married do not end up happier or psychologically healthier than they were when they were single. The stories we have so often been told are distracting us from other stories about single people that we have never been told. The untold stories help us understand why so many people choose single life and thrive there, often finding meaning, fulfillment, autonomy, mastery, rich and varied personal relationships, and sweet solitude in their single lives.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at